What is Hellami?
Hellami is a animated web series about a growing mystery disease known as redies that turns people into ‘Sharks’ but the truth lies deeper than that. Hellami is a special 'detective' that is invited to investigate the Sharks.
Still working on the Hellami's poster/wallpaper that features four characters. Looking so good so far! It will be available on Patreon once the third episode is up on both NG and my Youtube channel. So follow me on these both platform!
Youtube - https://goo.gl/wRW0My
I also made a twitter awhile ago so join me if you are interested in future development of the current series and new projects!
Twitter - https://twitter.com/CHOO5D
At the meantime, here's one of the latest scene i am working on in Hellami. A special effect of blood forming around her arm. I am planning to include the working process video in my patreon along with the poster & art.
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/choo5d?ty=h
Now, most of the voice actors are in place. I just need to finish up the remaining scenes. Will be releasing soon in early February.